
By PANews – 2024/02/19 21:50:34 (JST)


The new article and the similar articles all discuss the STRK token distribution by Starknet Foundation, set to begin on February 20, 2024. They all mention that around 1.3 million wallets are eligible to claim the tokens. The similar articles also mention the total distribution of more than 700 million STRK tokens, which is also stated in the new article. However, the new article provides additional details not found in the similar articles. It mentions that around 9 million STRK tokens will be distributed to 900 Ethereum main stakers and over 6.9 million STRK tokens to 1,000 individual stakers. It also discusses corrections made for GitHub handles and custodial companies. These details are not present in the similar articles, indicating that the new article contains new facts.

Starknet FoundationがXプラットフォームでSTRKトークンの配布を調整し、請求は2024年2月20日に開始されます。約900人のEthereumメインステーカーに約9百万STRKトークンが配布され、ミスが修正されました。Rated.networkはステーカー分類を更新し、1,000人以上の個人ステーカーに6.9百万STRKトークンが配布されました。GitHubハンドルとカストディアル企業に修正が加えられ、StarkExのユーザーの権利を保証しました。


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