By PANews – 2024/04/30 10:42:00 (JST)
・HKEXがBosera HashKey、Huaxia、JiashiのビットコインとイーサリアムETFThe new article announces the launch of 6 virtual asset spot ETFs on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange by HashKey, Huaxia, and Jiashi, tracking BTC/ETH prices. The similar articles also discuss the same topic, with the first one mentioning Huasheng Securities as the market maker for these ETFs and the second one detailing the inclusion of these ETFs in the Central Clearing System. However, the new article does not provide any new facts or figures that were not covered in the similar articles. The similar articles provide more detailed information about the trading units, currencies, and the role of Huasheng Securities, which are not mentioned in the new article. Therefore, the new article does not contain any new facts or analysis that would differentiate it from the similar articles.
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