
By CoinDesk – 2024/05/09 01:30:06 (JST)


The new article and the similar articles both discuss Tether's expansion to the TON network. However, the new article provides additional information not found in the similar articles. It includes specific figures such as Tether's market cap surpassing $100 billion, a record $4.52 billion profit in Q1 2024 from U.S. Treasury holdings, and 5.6 million active Tether addresses as of April 28. It also discusses the potential impact of this expansion on the global remittance market, particularly in countries like India, Russia, the US, Indonesia, and Brazil. The similar articles, on the other hand, focus more on the benefits of this expansion for Telegram's users and the TON ecosystem. Therefore, while the overall topic is the same, the new article contains new facts and analysis that make it distinct from the similar articles.


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