
By CoinDesk – 2024/05/23 17:50:10 (JST)


The new article discusses the potential approval of spot ether (ETH) exchange-traded funds (ETF) in the U.S. and its possible impact on Ethereum's price, with a prediction of a 60% rally. It also mentions the buying activity surge, record open interest in ether-tracked futures, and the removal of staking plans from ETF proposals by six issuers. The similar articles also discuss the anticipation of the U.S. spot exchange-traded fund approval and its potential impact on Ethereum's price, with mentions of increased inflows to crypto exchanges and raised odds of approval. While the new article provides more specific figures such as the 60% rally prediction, 100,000 ETH purchased in spot markets, and $14 billion open interest in ether-tracked futures, the core content and facts presented are largely the same as those in the similar articles. Therefore, the new facts in this article are not significant enough to consider it as new news.



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