Aethir: チェッカーノード保有者がメインネットで総ATH供給量の15%を獲得

By PANews – 2024/06/08 14:43:50 (JST)


The new article and the similar article both discuss Aethir's plans for its ATH token airdrop, including the total supply of 42 billion tokens and the division of the airdrop into three Seasons. However, the new article provides additional information not found in the similar article. Specifically, it mentions that Checker node holders will be able to run nodes on the mainnet starting June 12 and have the opportunity to earn 15% of the total ATH supply over four years. It also details the reward structure, including a 10% operator reward and an additional 5% reward based on quarterly evaluations. This new information about the opportunity for Checker node holders to earn rewards and the specifics of the reward structure is not present in the similar article. Therefore, the new article contains new facts that make it distinct from the similar article.




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